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Difference Between Arms on a Crane

Mobile cranes have many different components that help them perform a variety of lifting tasks. The two main components that can be seen on most cranes are the boom and the jib. Knowing the difference between a boom and a boom can help you get the right equipment for whatever job you need to get done.

The difference between an arm and an arm on a crane.
Both the boom and the boom extend from the crane body, but what’s the difference between these two parts? Knowing the difference between a boom and a jib can help you understand when to use both components.
crane arm
The boom on a crane can operate in many forms and in many different ways. They can be solid, telescopic, or articulated, they are the main booms that attach to the crane and move around to raise and position the load. On many cranes, the jib can work without a jib, and they carry most of the load weight. The main component that determines the scope of the crane is the jib.
crane arm
The boom is an auxiliary arm that extends from the end of the boom. They allow extra reach for the crane, but they usually reduce the weight the crane can add. Booms are usually lattice designed to reduce the weight of their added loads. While some cranes, including the jib, are usually additional parts that can be removed if necessary.
Learn more about the difference between a jib and a jib and answers to other crane-related questions, or contact us if you want to learn about any mobile cranes.



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